AI Music Generators


Artificial Intelligence (AI) has revolutionized the way we create and experience music. With the advancements in AI technology, music generation has become more accessible and innovative. In this article, we will explore the 15 best AI music generators that offer unique and creative ways to compose and generate music in 2023. These tools leverage machine learning algorithms and deep neural networks to generate original compositions, provide musical accompaniment, and inspire musicians and music enthusiasts alike.

1. OpenAI’s MuseNet:

MuseNet by OpenAI is a cutting-edge AI music generator that can compose music in various genres and styles. With the ability to combine elements from different genres, instruments, and moods, it offers a vast range of possibilities for creating unique and captivating compositions.

2. Jukedeck:

Jukedeck is an AI-powered music composition tool that allows users to create custom-made music for various purposes, such as videos, games, and presentations. It offers a user-friendly interface and a wide range of styles, tempos, and instruments to choose from.

3. Amper Music:

Amper Music is an AI music generator that empowers users to create original music tailored to their specific needs. With its intuitive interface, users can customize parameters such as tempo, mood, and instrumentation, resulting in personalized and high-quality compositions.

4. AIVA:

AIVA (Artificial Intelligence Virtual Artist) is an AI music composer that generates original compositions in various genres. AIVA can analyze different musical elements, such as melody, harmony, and rhythm, and create emotionally engaging and evocative pieces.

5. IBM Watson Beat:

IBM Watson Beat utilizes AI to generate music based on emotional cues and user preferences. By inputting keywords and specifying the desired mood, Watson Beat can create customized compositions, making it a valuable tool for media production and creative projects.

6. Melodrive:

Melodrive is an AI music generator that dynamically composes music in real-time, adapting to the mood and progression of a game or interactive experience. It provides an immersive and interactive soundtrack, enhancing the overall user experience.

7. Ecrett Music:

Ecrett Music is an AI platform that allows users to generate music by providing a melody or chord progression. The AI system then adds accompanying parts, harmonies, and rhythms, resulting in complete and professionally arranged compositions.


JAMBOT is an AI music generator designed for songwriters and musicians. It can suggest chord progressions, melodies, and even lyrics based on user inputs, serving as a creative companion and source of inspiration.

9. Humtap:

Humtap is an AI-powered mobile app that transforms users’ humming or singing into fully produced music tracks. By analyzing the user’s vocal input, Humtap generates instrumentals and harmonies, enabling anyone to create music effortlessly.

10. Ecrett Piano:

Ecrett Piano is an AI-based piano composition tool that allows users to create beautiful piano compositions even without prior musical knowledge. Users can simply select a mood or style, and the AI algorithm generates melodic patterns and accompaniment.

11. Magenta Studio:

Magenta Studio, developed by Google, is a collection of AI-powered music composition tools. It includes plugins for digital audio workstations (DAWs) that generate melodies, harmonies, and drum patterns based on user inputs, enabling musicians to experiment with AI-generated musical ideas.

12. WolframTones:

WolframTones is an AI music generator developed by Wolfram Research. It employs cellular automata and algorithmic composition to generate unique and intricate musical patterns. Users can experiment with various parameters to create complex and evolving compositions.

13. AI Composer:

AI Composer is an AI music generator that can compose music in multiple genres, including classical, jazz, and pop. It utilizes deep learning models to analyze and understand musical patterns, resulting in compositions that exhibit musical coherence and creativity.

14. Flow Machines:

Flow Machines is an AI music generator that combines machine learning techniques with human expertise. It analyzes vast musical databases to create original compositions inspired by different styles and artists, providing musicians with new ideas and inspiration.

15. Sononym:

Sononym is an AI-powered sample browser and music search engine. It utilizes deep learning algorithms to analyze audio content and provide musicians with relevant samples, loops, and sounds, facilitating the creative process and enabling the exploration of new musical territories.


The emergence of AI music generators has opened up exciting possibilities for composers, musicians, and music enthusiasts. The 15 AI music generators discussed in this article offer a wide range of features and functionalities to help users generate unique and captivating music. Whether you need background music for videos, game soundtracks, or creative inspiration, these AI tools provide a valuable resource to explore new musical horizons in 2023 and beyond. Embrace the power of AI music generation and unlock your creativity like never before.

By John

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